We meet Thursday afternoons 1.45m - 4pm in The Park Church hall, Ravenscliffe Dr, Giffnock, G46 7QS.
We welcome new members.
To get in touch with us, please click on the Contact Us page
For more information about Eastwood Art Club, scroll down or click on About Us page
February 2025
Come along to the art club on Thursday 13th February at 2pm to see Denise Findlay paint a portrait in pastels. Denise is recognised as one of Scotland's leading figurative artists who has won numerous awards for her art.
All welcome! Entry fee £5 at door.
It's time again for our informal annual art club competition!
Small canvas boards are being handed out at the art club. All you have to do is paint a picture of your choice of subject using any medium. Please do not sign your painting as voting is anonymous.
Place your finished painting in the white envelope provided and bring along to the club on Thursday 13th March. Voting will start at 2pm. A prize of £20 Cass Art voucher will be presented to the
painting with the most votes. Good Luck!
Please note, as decided at the AGM, there will be no auction this year but we are hoping to organise a couple of fun activities instead, to add to the informality of the event.
Debbie and Gordon, our 2024 Competition winners, with their paintings.
Art club members have been invited to submit one painting to the art section of the Homecraft Class at the Mearns Flower Show event being held in The Park Church. You will enter as an individual, not as an art club member. More details to
Saturday 30th November 2024
2pm - 4pm
Thank you to everyone who submitted paintings to the stall. Your paintings were much admired and we were very proud to have the
opportunity to show the public the high standard of the art work in the club.
Unsold paintings can be collected at the club on Thursday 5th December.
THURSDAY OCTOBER 24th 2024 at 2pm
Johanna Logan's art demonstration with photos and more information can be viewed by clicking on the following
Johanna Logan Art Demonstration
Come along on Thursday 26th September and hear about the club's plans and activities for the next year, review our last year's events and share your thoughts and ideas on subjects you'd like discussed. Tea and cake will be served!
New programme for 2024 - 2025 can be viewed on link below:
New members welcome!
email: eastwoodartclub@btinternet.com
SATURDAY MAY 11th 2024
Thank you to everyone for submitting paintings to our exhibition and for help in promoting the event. We had several compliments about
the high standard of art work displayed. Special thanks to Anne Clark for hanging the banners and to Suzanne Hunterfor arranging the
framing as well as Margaret Loudon, Anne Murdoch, Linda Jenkins and Sally Gallagher for their invaluable help on the day. Thanks also to Bert Dickov and Jack Loudon of The Park Church for their work
in clearing and preparing the hall for the exhibition.
Uncollected paintings can be uplifted at the club on Thursday 16th May as well as payment for sold paintings.
Winner of the Favourite Painting
The favourite painting, as voted by those visiting the exhibition, was 'Glenaffric, Autumn' by Anne Murdoch. Congratulation, Anne!
Competition and Auction Thursday March 21st 2024
Ist Prize
Deborah Clark
2nd Prize
Gordon Avison
Congratulations to Debbie and Gordon for winning the small painting competition! Thank you to everyone who submitted their paintings to this year's competition. The standard was high and many of the other paintings had votes but not enough to win. The framed paintings will form a special display at our exhibition on Saturday May 11th.
Thank you to all those who contributed items to the auction and putting their bids in. Thanks also to Glenda for her auctioneering
skills! The final amount, £113.50 will go to club funds. The left over items should raise around £80 for Oxfam.
Thursday 8th February 2024 at 2pm
Art Demonstration
Martin Oates - Landscape in Watercolour
Click on the link below to see the stages of the painting demo.
Martin Oates
On Thursday 8th February we welcomed Martin Oates to the club to demonstrate a landscape in watercolour. It was a very interesting and informative demo and it was fascinating seeing his unique watercolour techniques.
To see stages of the painting, click on the menu above or go to:
Martin Oates Art Demonstration
For more information about Martin Oates, click on the link below.
Thursday 14th September 2023 from 2pm - 4pm
Ed Hunter
Arran from Dunagoil, Bute
Oils on Canvas
Many thanks to Ed Hunter for providing such an interesting art demonstration on painting with oils. Photos of
the demonstration with details of method and colours used can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
A selection of paintings from our members
Eastwood Art Club was established 35 years ago and offers
members the opportunity to meet and paint at their own level in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. We meet in The Park Church hall, Giffnock on Thursdays from 1.45pm - 4
The Park Church hall,
Ravenscliffe Dr, Giffnock, G46 7QS
New members are welcome so if you would like to join our club, you can email us at
get in touch on the Contact Us page or just pop in on a Thursday afternoon to see us.